Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I have often wondered, why do people dream?...what is the fundamental meaning or purpose behind someone dreaming, how did it get its term, why is there a lot of fuss behind something which does not involve any work and which is considered a bad thing by some people (Teachers, bosses...) and something which others(Abdul Kalam, Martin luther) consider very much necessary. No one knows what happens when you put out the lights in your brain...its either a fantasy or a nightmare, but why? can such a small thing cause wide-state disruption....the word "IDEA" was apparently taken from "I DREAM" can such a thing transform people into mindless beasts. Such dreams inspire ppl to do so wrong deeds(see 9/11, all other terrorist acts). Why is all this due to a dream which some jackass dreamt of.....If only we could say NO...lets get back to reality..but what can we do..if reality is based on dreams and fantasies...FUCK IT....i cant even think properly....Films like inception strike a chord when these sort of questions are raised....maybe the ultimate solution is to alter people's thoughts... but to wat end??....every good thing has a bad opposite...a balance...of sorts....why cant everything just be good...without a bad element to even the odds?....and why did i dream all of this prior to writing this blog..............